
Welcome to our blog!
Over the next few years (however long we have chickens) we will be posting news about them on it.
Enjoy : )

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Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The Great Escape
     It was a sunny morning and the chickens were enjoying the outdoors (outside of their run), when Aunty Janet got the phone-call. It was the neighbour... 'There's a cat in my garden...'. Aunty Janet thought this meant that it might come into her garden and get the chickens, so sent Eilidh to put the chickens back in their run. But Eilidh noticed 2 chickens were missing! It was then they realized the neighbour had meant that the chickens were in her garden and that the cat might get them there! Eilidh rushed through and sent the chickens back to confinement in their run.
   After a day without mealworms as punishment the chickens have hopefully learnt their lesson, but if they do it again we might have to put them in a coal bunker...

1 comment:

  1. If that picture was meant to be a caricature of me, it's not a very flatering one!
